Today is the time of technology and advancement. The world is in digital format where every pulse is counting for the next technology. Due to the boon of science we are able to forecast and pre-determine the next second in every fields. We can sense and measure the every parameter that is directly related in our life. For this sensors are introduced in our technology for efficient calculations and predictions. Sensors sense the external factors and represents in terms of measurable parameters of voltages and current. These are proved to be the most necessary factors not only in the field of electronics and but in every field of science and inventions. In previous times sensors were individually placed and used for sensing but due to advancing technology and needs the sensors are being used in many numbers in many places. All these sensors are interconnected through various ways forming a network .This sensor network are proved very useful for the field of research and study.
The ways of creating a network of sensors could be either wired or wireless. Whatever be the medium of communicating between the sensors or creating the network of the multiple sensors placed in various places, the main purpose is to receive sensor signal of various sensors placed at various places to analyze the various factors or study in broader scenario. Creating a sensor network is a tedious task where each sensor are to be synchronized and communicated within a network or even internetwork .A network of different sensors helps to analyze the conditions of different places. Sensors could be of any kind like seismic, rainfall, pressure, temperature, lightning or thunderstorm. Interconnection or interlink of sensors could be a powerful tool for forecast, analysis or study the pre conditions of any disaster or case study for research fields.
Here we intend to create a network of sensors in a wireless approach where each sensor will be RF modulated and the main host or receiver will access all the data of sensors in network in a synchronous way. The flexibility of inter sensor communications could be limited due to hardware interfacing but the main purpose of receiving the signal of various sensors places at different places is the main purpose of the project.

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its cool