[PDF]Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth(5th,6th) Edition Adel S. Sedra by K. C. Smith.

Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth Edition is an extensive revision of the classic text by Adel S. Sedra and K. C. Smith. The primary objective of this text remains the development of the student's ability to analyze and design electronic circuits, both analog and digital, discrete and integrated. Fundamental developments in modern technology, particularly the increased emphasis on integrated circuits and the profusion of advances in digital electronics, require that engineers today be aptly equipped with knowledge of these concepts and techniques. In this edition, the authors present these concepts and techniques earlier on in the text and in greater detail than in previous editions. Features A Digital Electronics Emphasis This edition fully integrates the fundamental concepts of digital electronics into the first five chapters, and also devotes two complete chapters (13 and 14) to digital electronics at the end of the text. These provide a complete introduction to both analog and digital principles for a modern introductory course on microelectronic circuits. The MOSFET The material on MOSFET has been entirely rewritten to reflect the shift toward integrated circuit technology and the vast number of changes in MOS IC design. Device Physics...Just in Time Sedra/Smith integrates device physics into the chapters as needed and where appropriate.
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 Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth Edition -by Adel S. Sedra and K. C. Smith

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