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RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
To execute each instruction, if there is separate electronic circuitry
in the control unit, which produces all the necessary signals, this
approach of the design of the control section of the processor is called
RISC design. It is also called hard-wired approach. Examples of RISC processors:
IBM RS6000, MC88100
DEC’s Alpha 21064, 21164 and 21264 processors
Features of RISC Processors:
The standard features of RISC processors are listed below:
RISC processors use a small and limited number of instructions.
RISC machines mostly uses hardwired control unit.
RISC processors consume less power and are having high performance.
Each instruction is very simple and consistent.
RISC processors uses simple addressing modes.
RISC instruction is of uniform fixed length.
RISC - Advantages
Simple instructions allows RISC processors to be easier to design and cheaper to produce.
Requires less transistors there allowing the processors to be smaller.
Easier to create powerful optimized compilers since there are fewer instructions in the instruction set
RISC - Disadvantages
RISC architecture puts a greater burden on the software.
RISC instructions will need a lot more memory to store all of the instructions..
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer.
If the control unit contains a number of micro-electronic circuitry to
generate a set of control signals and each micro-circuitry is
activated by a micro-code, this design approach is called CISC design. Examples of CISC processors are:
Intel 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III
Motorola’s 68000, 68020, 68040, etc.
Features of CISC Processors:
The standard features of CISC processors are listed below:
CISC chips have a large amount of different and complex instructions.
CISC machines generally make use of complex addressing modes.
Different machine programs can be executed on CISC machine.
CISC machines uses micro-program control unit.
CISC processors are having limited number of registers.
The advantages of CISC
At the time of their initial development,
CISC machines used available technologies
to optimize computer performance.
Microprogramming is as easy as
assembly language to implement,
and much less expensive than hardwiring
a control unit.
The ease of microcoding new instructions
allowed designers to make CISC
machines upwardly compatible:
a new computer could run the same
programs as earlier computers
because the new computer would
contain a superset of the instructions
of the earlier computers.
As each instruction became more
capable, fewer instructions could
be used to implement a given task.
This made more efficient use of
the relatively slow main memory.
Because microprogram instruction
sets can be written to match the
constructs of high-level languages,
the compiler does not have to
be as complicated.
The disadvantages of CISC
Still, designers soon realized
that the CISC philosophy had its
own problems, including:
Earlier generations of a processor
family generally were contained
as a subset in every new version
--- so instruction set & chip
hardware become more complex with
each generation of computers.
So that as many instructions as
possible could be stored in memory
with the least possible wasted
space, individual instructions
could be of almost any length---this
means that different instructions
will take different amounts of
clock time to execute, slowing
down the overall performance of
the machine.
Many specialized instructions
aren't used frequently enough
to justify their existence ---
approximately 20% of the available
instructions are used in a typical
CISC instructions typically set
the condition codes as a side
effect of the instruction. Not
only does setting the condition
codes take time, but programmers
have to remember to examine the
condition code bits before a subsequent
instruction changes them.
1.Emphasis on hardware 1.Emphasis on SOFTware
2.Includes both Single-clock cycle simple 2.Single-clock cycle reduced instructions only instruction and multi-clock cycle complex instructions
3.Memory to memory: 3.Register to Register: Load and store are incorporated as part Load and Store are independent instructions of instruction
4.Smaller code size 4.LARGE code size
5.High cycles per second 5.Low cycles per second
6.Transistors used for storing complex 6.Transistors used for memory register instruction
7.Easier to design a compiler 7.Harder to desin a Compiler
Instruction Set Computing (RISC) is a CPU design concept that seeks
gains in power as a trade-off for simplified instructions. This design
philosophy is directly opposed to Complex Instruction Set Computing
(CISC), which is the basis of the x86 style processors of the vast
majority of home PCs and laptops.
The construction of the RISC processor is such that
performance is the priority, rather than raw power. When RISC and CISC
were developed, the bottleneck of microprocessors was power, meaning
that CISC won out and efficient, performance-oriented chips were used
less and less. RISC came back into vogue when the need increased for
chips that make efficient use of portable battery power.
Less Versatile
Since the instruction set is so simple, that is, one
instruction per cycle, RISC processors tend to be better used for simple
and repetitive logic operations. CISC processors are truly "general
purpose," meaning that they can pipeline multiple instructions at once
without a preference for simpler or more complex applications. RISC
processors need to be programmed in a very particular fashion.
The performance orientation of the RISC architecture is due
to its simple and efficient instruction set. This simplicity means that
RISC processors are easier to design and inexpensive to produce, making
them ideal for purpose-built and cheap computing machines that execute
repetitive instructions.
Long Instruction Strings
RISC processors can be adapted to run CISC style instruction
strings, but they are incredibly inefficient at doing so. Since a RISC
processor can only handle one instruction string at a time, code needs
to be more compartmentalized and, therefore, more complicated.
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