Instructor: Andrew E.Yagle
Textbook: Intrpoduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms
Download Slides from here
- Paper in PDF on Introduction to Wavelets.
- Didactic ideas about wavelets. In PDF.
- VLSI Computing for Haar Transform. PDF paper.
- Falkowski and Rahardja. Walsh-like functions and their relations. Paper in PDF.
- Labunets. Fast Classical and Quantum Fractional Haar Wavelet Transforms. Paper in PDF.
- Falkowski. Generalization of Arithmetic-Haar Transform for higher dimensions. Paper in PDF.
- Falkowski. Development of Multi_Polarity Arithmetic-Haar Transform and Its Applications in Logic Design. Paper in PDF.
- Color Descriptor for Image Retrieval in Wavelet Domain. Paper in PDF.
- Lecture on Image Analysis and Processing includes Haar. Slides in PDF.
- Lecture on Computer Graphics and Image Processing. Slides in PDF include Haar transform.
- Rahardja and Falkowski. Application of Sign Haar Transform in a Ternary Communication System. Paper in PDF.
- Falkowski. Forward and Inverse Transformations Between Haar Spectra and OBDDs of Boolean Functions. Paper in PDF. 1997.
- Lecture on wavelet. Slides in PDF. 4 in one.
- Lecture slides in PDF on Image transforms. Includes Haar.
- Lecture slides in PDF on Image Compression.
- PPT slides on wavelet coding.
- PPT slides – lecture on unitary transforms including Haar.
- An Introduction to Wavelets and Haar Transform.mht Very good introduction.
- Reconfigurable Firmware for high-end data flow processing systems. Slides in PPT.
- Computer Graphics and Image Processing. Slides in PDF. Includes Haar.
- MPEG-7 Standard. Includes Haar. Slides in PDF.
- Falkowski. Generalized Haar Spectral Representations and their Applications. Oregon talk in pdf.
- Thornton. Logic Circuit Equivalence Checking Using Haar Spectral Coefficients and Partial BDDs. Paper in PDF.
- Haar wavelet Transform of a Dendrogram: Additional Notes. Paper in PDF.
- Falkowski PDF paper. Relationship between arithmetic and Haar wavelet transforms in the form of layered Kronecker Matrices.
- Lecture in PPT on Vector Processing.
- Lecture in PPT on Vector Processing. UC Berkeley.
- Lecture in PPT on Multimedia Instruction set.
- Lecture in PPT. Slides on Compression.
- Lecture in PPT on wavelets. Euclidean and Unitary Spaces.
- Lecture on Unitary Transforms. PPT slides
- Lecture on Wavelet Transform based Image Coding. PPT format slides.
- Slides in PDF on MPEG7.
- Poper paper from PRIP’99 in PDF. Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller Minimization of Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions.
- Wavelets. Secure IT Intrusion Detection. In PPT. Slides.
- Transform coding, Lecture slides in PDF.
- Slides about Address Generators in PPT.
- Paper in PDF on Unsupervised, Agglomerative Spatially Aware Texture Segmentation Technique.
- Falkowski. Signed Haar-Hadamard. 2005. Slides in PDF.
- Falkowski. Sign ternary hadamard-haar. Applications in Ternary Communication System. PDF
- Falkowski. Generalized Haar Spectral Representations and their applications. PDF paper.
- Haar spectra based entropy approach to quasi-minimization of FBDDs. Paper in PDF.
- Falkowski. Relationship between Haar and Reed-Muller Spectral and Functional Domains. Paper in PDF.
- Stankovic and Falkowski. Haar Wavelet transform: Status and achievements. Paper in PDF.
- Falkowski. Forward and Inverse transformations between Haar wavelet and arithmetic functions. Paper in PDF.
- Slides in PPT on Image Transforms for Robust Coding.
- Lecture in PPT on Vector Processors and DSP.
- Lecture in PPT on Vectors, Branch Prediction, Dependence Speculation and Data Prediction.
- MPEG-7. Lecture sildes in PDF.
- Wavelet Introduction paper in PDF.
- Falkowski. Paired Haar. 1999. PDF.
- Falkowski. Paired Haar Spectra computation through operations on disjoint cubes. 1999. PDF paper.
- Calculation of paired Haar transform through shared BDD. PDF paper.
- MPEG slides in PPT.
- Beyond Wavelets. Word format. Student work.
- Falkowski. Operations on logic functions and variables through sign Haar Spectra. PDF paper.
- Falkowski. Applications of modified sign Haar Transform in logic functions. PDF paper. 2004.
- Falkowski. Properties of Logic Functions in Spectral Domain of Sign Hadamard-Haar Transform. Paper in PDF.
- Subband Coding. Paper in PDF. 2005.
- Image Compression Using Wavelets. PDF paper.
- PPT slides on Vector Processing.
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