Way to hack WiFi passwords

***How to hack WPS feature enabled WiFi passwords for free in pc in 2 minutes***
1. Download WPS Pin. >> http://bit.ly/WpsPinHack
2. Extract and Open WPS Pin Software.
3. Many Wifi Networks would be displayed.
4. Tick on the Show WPS Pin Button which is in bottom right.
....(The language is in another language but no need to worry)
5. Pin1, Pin2 & Pin3 would be displayed along side with WiFi names.
6. Double click on the Victim WiFi, and copy the Pin1
7. Connect to the wifi normally, and when it asks for Pin, paste the copied pin.
8. Connect, and enjoy free wifi
Note : This hack will only work on WPS pin enabled WiFi, WPA/WPA2 will also be supported only if WPS is enabled..Else it wont work, so please do not complain that it's not working..

1 comment:

its cool