SAP-1 Block Diagram and Description \
Counter description
The program is stored at the beginning of the memory with
the first instruction at binary address 0000, the second instruction at 0001,
the third at address 0010 and so on. The program counter which is part of the
control unit, counts from 0000 to 1111. Its job is to send to the memory the
address of the next instruction to be fetched and executed by sap1 (simple as possible).
The program counter is reset to 0000 before each computer run. When the
computer run begins, the program counter sends the address 0000 to the memory.
The program counter is then incremented to get 0001. After the first
instruction is fetched and executed, the program counter sends address 0001 to
the memory. Again the program counter is incremented. After the second
instruction is fetched and executed, the program counter sends address 0010 to
the memory. So this way, the program counter keeps track of the next
instruction to be fetched and executed.
The program counter is like someone pointing a finger at a list of instructions
saying do this first, do this second, do this third, etc. This is why the
program counter is called a pointer; it points to an address in memory where
the instruction or data is being stored.
2. Input
The Input and MAR includes the address and data switch
registers. Switch registers are part of input unit, allows us to send 4 address
bits and 8 data bits to the RAM.
The memory address register (MAR) is the part of SAP-1
memory. During a computer run, the address in the program counter is latched in
to the MAR. A bit later, the MAR applies this 4-bit address to the RAM where a
read operation is performed.
3. The RAM
The RAM is a 16 X 8 static TTL RAM. We can program the RAM
by means of the address and data switch registers. This allows you to store a
program and data in the memory before a computer run.
During a computer run, the RAM receives 4-bit addresses from
the MAR and a read operation is performed. In this way, the instruction or data
word stored in the RAM is placed on the W bus for use in some other part of the
4. Instruction
The instruction register is the part of the control unit. To
fetch an instruction from the memory the computer does a memory read operation.
This places the contents of the addressed memory location on the W bus. At the
same time, the instruction register is set up for loading on the next positive
clock edge. The content of the instruction register are split into two nibbles.
The upper nibble goes directly to the block “Controller – Sequencer”. The lower
nibble is read onto the W bus when needed.
5. Controller
– Sequencer
Before each computer runs, a CLR signal is sent to the
program counter and CLK signal to the instruction register. This resets the
program counter to 0000 and wipes out the last instruction in the instruction
A clock signal CLK is sent to all buffer registers; this synchronizes the
operation of the computer ensuring that things happen when they are supposed to
The 12 bits that come out of the controller sequencer form a word controlling
the rest of the computer (like a supervisor telling others what to do). The 12
wires carrying the control word are called the control bus. The control word
has the format of: CON = CP EP LM CE
This word determines how the registers will wait to the next positive CLK edge.
For example, a high EP and a low LM means that the
program counter are latched into the MAR on the next positive clock edge. As
another example, a low CE and a low LA means that the addressed RAM
word will be transferred to the accumulator.
6. Accumulator
The accumulator (A) is a buffer register that stores
intermediate data for every mathematical and logical operation.It acts as a one of the operand for every arithmetical operation and data after operation is stored in accumulator . Accumulator has two outputs, one
directly goes to the adder-subtractor and the other goes to the W bus.
7. The Adder
– Subtractor
SAP-1 uses a 2’s complement adder-subtractor. The addition or subtraction according to the instruction is performed by this block.
When SU
is low in this block, the sum out of the adder-subtractor is S = A + B. When SU is
high, the difference appears as A = A + B ’.
8. B Register
The B register is another buffer register. It is used in
arithmetic operations. A low LB and positive clock edge load the
word on the W bus into the B register. The two state output of the B register
drives the adder-subtractor, supplying the number to be added or subtracted
from the content of the accumulator.
9. Output
The result after addition or subtraction is stored in the Accumulator and it is to be displayed to the outside world hense output register is used for this purpose. This is where the output register is used.
When EA is high and LO is low, the next positive clock
edge loads the accumulator content to the output register. The output register
is often called an output port because the processed data can leave the
computer through this register.
10. Binary Display
The binary display is a row of eight light emitting diodes
(LED’s). Because each LED connects to one flip-flop of the output port, the
binary display shows us the content of the output port. Therefore, after we
transferred an answer from the accumulator to the output port, we can see the
answer in binary form.
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