Grade: X Time: 4 hours/week
Total Time: 32 weeks Theory: 51 hours (40%)
Practical: 77 hours (60%)
Course description:
This course intends to provide students good understanding of internal architectural details and functioning of 8-bit 8085 microprocessor.
Course objectives:
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand the architecture and programming of 8085 microprocessor.
2. Perform the interfacing of peripheral devices with 8085 microprocessor.
3. Familiarize with programming, hardware and application of microprocessor.
Course Contents:
Unit-1 Introduction (4 Hours)
1.1 Definition of microprocessor and its application
1.2. Evolution of microprocessor
1.3. Von Neumann architecture
1.4. Basic organization of microprocessor
1.5. Microprocessor: Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), Control unit (CU), Registers
1.6. Memory
1.7. Input/Output
1.8. System bus: Data, Address and Control bus
Unit-2 Basic Computer Architecture (10 Hours)
2.1. Sap-I architecture: Block diagram, and function of each block
8-bit “W” bus
4-bit program counter
4-bit memory address register (MAR)
16x8 bit memory
8-bit instruction register (IR)
8-bit accumulator
8-bit B register
8-bit adder-subtractor
8-bit output register
2.2. SAP-I instructions
2.3. Fetch and execution cycle of SAP-I instructions
Fetch cycle: Address state, increment state, Memory state
Execution cycle of LDA, ADD instructions
2.4. Microprogram
Micro instructions of SAP-1 instructions
2.5. SAP-2 architecture: Block diagram and functions of each block
Architectural differences with SAP-I
· Bidirectional registers
· Flags
2.6. Instruction sets
Unit-3 Instruction Cycle (5 Hours)
3.1. Instruction cycle, machine cycle and T states
Machine cycle of 8085 microprocessor: Op-code fetch, Memory read, memory write, I/O read, I/O
write, Interrupt
3.2. Fetch and execute operation, timing diagram
Timing diagram of MOV, MVI, IN, OUT, LDA, STA
3.3. Fetch and execute overlap
Unit-4 Intel 8085 microprocessor (8 Hours)
4.1. Functional block diagram
4.2. Pin configuration
4.3. Description of each blocks: Registers, Flag, Data and address bus, Timing and control unit, Interrupts
4.4. Instructions- opcode and operands
4.5. Addressing modes
4.6. Instructions and data flow
Unit-5 Programming with Intel 8085 microprocessor (12 Hours)
5.1. Instruction format and data format
5.2. Intel 8085 Instruction Set
5.3. Instruction types: Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logic, Branching, Miscellaneous
5.4. Simple sequence programs, Branching, Looping
5.5 Various Programs in 8085
Simple Programs with Artihmetic and Logical Operations
Conditions and Loops
Array and Table Processing
Decimal BCD Conversion
Multiplication and Division
Unit-6 Basic I/O, Memory R/W and Interrupt Operations (6 Hours)
6.1. Memory read/write, Input/output read/write operation in 8085 microprocessor based system
6.2. Direct memory access (DMA)
Introduction, advantage and application
DMA controller 8237 interfacing
6.3. Interrupt
8085 interrupt pins and interrupt priority
Maskable and non-maskable interrupts
Vector and polled
6.4. 8259 operation
Block diagram and explanation
Priority modes and other features
Unit-7 Input/output Interfaces (6 Hours)
7.1. Parallel communication: introduction and applications
7.2. Serial communication
Introduction and applications
Introduction to Programmable Communication Interface 8251
Basic concept of synchronous and asynchronous modes
7.3. Simple I/O, strobe I/O, Single handshake I/O, double handshake I/O
7.4. 8255A and its working
Block diagram
Modes of operation
Control word
7.5. RS-232: Introduction, pin configuration (9 pin and 25 pin) and function of each pin. Interconnection
between DTE-DTE and DTE-DCE Design
7.6. Keyboard and display controller: Introduction to 8279
The entire practical listed below should be performed in 8085-Microprocessor Trainer Kit as well as in 8085-
Microprocessor Simulator if possible
Unit-5 Programming with Intel 8085 microprocessor (50 Hours)
5.1. Sensitize to Microprocessor Trainer Kit
5.2. Write an assembly language program to perform the addition of two 8-bit numbers.
5.3. Write an assembly language program to perform the addition of ten 8-bit numbers stored in memory.
5.4. Write an assembly language program to perform the subtraction of ten 8-bit numbers stored in memory.
5.5. Write an assembly language program to perform the addition of two 16-bit numbers stored in memory.
5.6. Write an assembly language program to find number of negative elements in a block of data.
5.7. Write an assembly language program to move data block starting at location ‘X’ to location ‘Y’ without
5.8. Write an assembly language program to move data block starting at location ‘X’ to location ‘Y’ with
5.9. Write an assembly language program to arrange 8-bytes of data in descending order.
5.10. Write an assembly language program to arrange 8-bytes of data in ascending order. The data is stored in
memory location of which the starting address is 9050H.
5.11. Write an assembly language program to convert BCD number to binary number.
5.12. Write an assembly language program to convert binary number to BCD number.
5.13. Write an assembly language program to add two BCD numbers.
5.14. Write an assembly language program to implement a counter '00-99' (UP COUNTER) in BCD.
5.15. Write an assembly language program to implement a counter 'FF-00' (UDOWN COUNTER) in HEX.
5.16. Write an assembly language program to implement multiplication by shift and add method.
5.17. Write an assembly language program to find the product of two unsigned binary numbers stored at
location ‘X’ and ‘X+1’ using successive addition and store the result.
5.18. Write an assembly language program to find the smallest of ‘N’ 1-byte numbers. Value of N is stored in
location ‘X’ and numbers from ‘X+1’. Display the number in data field and its address field.
5.19. Write an assembly language program for HEX to ASCII character conversion.
5.20. Write an assembly language program for ASCII to HEX conversion.
5.21. Write an assembly language program to perform the division of two 8-bit numbers.
5.22. Write an assembly language program to find the square of the number from 0 to 9 using a Table of
5.23. Write an assembly language program to Observe T-States, Machine cycles and instruction cycle on
oscilloscope for STA 2300H. (Unit-3 Instruction Cycle)
Unit-6 Basic I/O, Memory R/W and Interrupt Operations (9 Hours)
6.1. Write an assembly language program to implement ‘throw a dice’ using interrupt.
6.2. Write an assembly language program to implement a real time clock.
6.3. Write a program to develop an 8-bit Hex Counter counter and display on data field as foreground
program. Write an Interrupt subroutine as a background program which will increment a memory location
every time a RST 7.5 interrupt arrives.
Unit-7 Input/output Interfaces (18 Hours)
7.1. Write a program to display the ASCII equivalent of the key pressed using 8279.
7.2. Write an assembly language program to implement a moving display of a given string of digits on a
display interface with a suitable delay.
7.3. Write an assembly language program to sense a keyboard.
7.4. Write a program to generate square wave of 1 Khz on PC4 on 8255#2 using BSR Mode.
7.5. Write a program to Serially Transmit and receive data between two kits using 8251 (USART)
7.6. Write a program to display moving string on 7-segment display (8279)
7.7. Write a program to Read Keyboard from Hex Keyboard using 8279
Reference Books:
1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with 8085, Prentice Hall
2. A. P. Malvino and J. A. Brown, Digital Computer Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill
3. D. V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, McGrawHill
4. Aditya P Mathur, Introduction to Microprocessor, TMH
5. John Uffenbeck, Microcomputers and Microprocessors, The 8080, 8085 and z-80 Programming, Interfacing
and Troubleshooting, 3rd Edition 1999, Prentice Hall
Grade: X Time: 4 hours/week
Total Time: 32 weeks Theory: 51 hours (40%)
Practical: 77 hours (60%)
Course description:
This course intends to provide students good understanding of internal architectural details and functioning of 8-bit 8085 microprocessor.
Course objectives:
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand the architecture and programming of 8085 microprocessor.
2. Perform the interfacing of peripheral devices with 8085 microprocessor.
3. Familiarize with programming, hardware and application of microprocessor.
Course Contents:
Unit-1 Introduction (4 Hours)
1.1 Definition of microprocessor and its application
1.2. Evolution of microprocessor
1.3. Von Neumann architecture
1.4. Basic organization of microprocessor
1.5. Microprocessor: Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), Control unit (CU), Registers
1.6. Memory
1.7. Input/Output
1.8. System bus: Data, Address and Control bus
Unit-2 Basic Computer Architecture (10 Hours)
2.1. Sap-I architecture: Block diagram, and function of each block
8-bit “W” bus
4-bit program counter
4-bit memory address register (MAR)
16x8 bit memory
8-bit instruction register (IR)
8-bit accumulator
8-bit B register
8-bit adder-subtractor
8-bit output register
2.2. SAP-I instructions
2.3. Fetch and execution cycle of SAP-I instructions
Fetch cycle: Address state, increment state, Memory state
Execution cycle of LDA, ADD instructions
2.4. Microprogram
Micro instructions of SAP-1 instructions
2.5. SAP-2 architecture: Block diagram and functions of each block
Architectural differences with SAP-I
· Bidirectional registers
· Flags
2.6. Instruction sets
Unit-3 Instruction Cycle (5 Hours)
3.1. Instruction cycle, machine cycle and T states
Machine cycle of 8085 microprocessor: Op-code fetch, Memory read, memory write, I/O read, I/O
write, Interrupt
3.2. Fetch and execute operation, timing diagram
Timing diagram of MOV, MVI, IN, OUT, LDA, STA
3.3. Fetch and execute overlap
Unit-4 Intel 8085 microprocessor (8 Hours)
4.1. Functional block diagram
4.2. Pin configuration
4.3. Description of each blocks: Registers, Flag, Data and address bus, Timing and control unit, Interrupts
4.4. Instructions- opcode and operands
4.5. Addressing modes
4.6. Instructions and data flow
Unit-5 Programming with Intel 8085 microprocessor (12 Hours)
5.1. Instruction format and data format
5.2. Intel 8085 Instruction Set
5.3. Instruction types: Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logic, Branching, Miscellaneous
5.4. Simple sequence programs, Branching, Looping
5.5 Various Programs in 8085
Simple Programs with Artihmetic and Logical Operations
Conditions and Loops
Array and Table Processing
Decimal BCD Conversion
Multiplication and Division
Unit-6 Basic I/O, Memory R/W and Interrupt Operations (6 Hours)
6.1. Memory read/write, Input/output read/write operation in 8085 microprocessor based system
6.2. Direct memory access (DMA)
Introduction, advantage and application
DMA controller 8237 interfacing
6.3. Interrupt
8085 interrupt pins and interrupt priority
Maskable and non-maskable interrupts
Vector and polled
6.4. 8259 operation
Block diagram and explanation
Priority modes and other features
Unit-7 Input/output Interfaces (6 Hours)
7.1. Parallel communication: introduction and applications
7.2. Serial communication
Introduction and applications
Introduction to Programmable Communication Interface 8251
Basic concept of synchronous and asynchronous modes
7.3. Simple I/O, strobe I/O, Single handshake I/O, double handshake I/O
7.4. 8255A and its working
Block diagram
Modes of operation
Control word
7.5. RS-232: Introduction, pin configuration (9 pin and 25 pin) and function of each pin. Interconnection
between DTE-DTE and DTE-DCE Design
7.6. Keyboard and display controller: Introduction to 8279
The entire practical listed below should be performed in 8085-Microprocessor Trainer Kit as well as in 8085-
Microprocessor Simulator if possible
Unit-5 Programming with Intel 8085 microprocessor (50 Hours)
5.1. Sensitize to Microprocessor Trainer Kit
5.2. Write an assembly language program to perform the addition of two 8-bit numbers.
5.3. Write an assembly language program to perform the addition of ten 8-bit numbers stored in memory.
5.4. Write an assembly language program to perform the subtraction of ten 8-bit numbers stored in memory.
5.5. Write an assembly language program to perform the addition of two 16-bit numbers stored in memory.
5.6. Write an assembly language program to find number of negative elements in a block of data.
5.7. Write an assembly language program to move data block starting at location ‘X’ to location ‘Y’ without
5.8. Write an assembly language program to move data block starting at location ‘X’ to location ‘Y’ with
5.9. Write an assembly language program to arrange 8-bytes of data in descending order.
5.10. Write an assembly language program to arrange 8-bytes of data in ascending order. The data is stored in
memory location of which the starting address is 9050H.
5.11. Write an assembly language program to convert BCD number to binary number.
5.12. Write an assembly language program to convert binary number to BCD number.
5.13. Write an assembly language program to add two BCD numbers.
5.14. Write an assembly language program to implement a counter '00-99' (UP COUNTER) in BCD.
5.15. Write an assembly language program to implement a counter 'FF-00' (UDOWN COUNTER) in HEX.
5.16. Write an assembly language program to implement multiplication by shift and add method.
5.17. Write an assembly language program to find the product of two unsigned binary numbers stored at
location ‘X’ and ‘X+1’ using successive addition and store the result.
5.18. Write an assembly language program to find the smallest of ‘N’ 1-byte numbers. Value of N is stored in
location ‘X’ and numbers from ‘X+1’. Display the number in data field and its address field.
5.19. Write an assembly language program for HEX to ASCII character conversion.
5.20. Write an assembly language program for ASCII to HEX conversion.
5.21. Write an assembly language program to perform the division of two 8-bit numbers.
5.22. Write an assembly language program to find the square of the number from 0 to 9 using a Table of
5.23. Write an assembly language program to Observe T-States, Machine cycles and instruction cycle on
oscilloscope for STA 2300H. (Unit-3 Instruction Cycle)
Unit-6 Basic I/O, Memory R/W and Interrupt Operations (9 Hours)
6.1. Write an assembly language program to implement ‘throw a dice’ using interrupt.
6.2. Write an assembly language program to implement a real time clock.
6.3. Write a program to develop an 8-bit Hex Counter counter and display on data field as foreground
program. Write an Interrupt subroutine as a background program which will increment a memory location
every time a RST 7.5 interrupt arrives.
Unit-7 Input/output Interfaces (18 Hours)
7.1. Write a program to display the ASCII equivalent of the key pressed using 8279.
7.2. Write an assembly language program to implement a moving display of a given string of digits on a
display interface with a suitable delay.
7.3. Write an assembly language program to sense a keyboard.
7.4. Write a program to generate square wave of 1 Khz on PC4 on 8255#2 using BSR Mode.
7.5. Write a program to Serially Transmit and receive data between two kits using 8251 (USART)
7.6. Write a program to display moving string on 7-segment display (8279)
7.7. Write a program to Read Keyboard from Hex Keyboard using 8279
Reference Books:
1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with 8085, Prentice Hall
2. A. P. Malvino and J. A. Brown, Digital Computer Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill
3. D. V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, McGrawHill
4. Aditya P Mathur, Introduction to Microprocessor, TMH
5. John Uffenbeck, Microcomputers and Microprocessors, The 8080, 8085 and z-80 Programming, Interfacing
and Troubleshooting, 3rd Edition 1999, Prentice Hall
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