GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING| ebook |Civil Engineering

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1. Terzaghi K., and Peck R.B., (1967), “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice”, A Wiley International Edition, 2nd Edition, New York.

2. Taylor D.W., (1960), “Fundamentals of Soil mechanics”, Asia Publishing house Bombay, 3rd Edition.

3. Ramiah B.K. and Chickanagappa L.S., (1990), “Hand Book of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg.”, Oxford and IBH, 2nd Edition.

4. Lambe T.W. and Whitman R.V., (1987), “Soil Mechanics”, SI Version, John Wiley and Sons.

5. Alam Singh and Chowdhury G., (1994), “Soil Engineering in theory and practice”, CBS publishers

6. Punmia B.C,.(2005), “Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., 16th edition.

7. Arora K.R, (2008), “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Standard, Publishers and Distributors, 7th Edition.

8. Murthy V.N.S., (1995), “A Text Book of Soil Mechanics and Foundation

9. Engineering”, Sai Kripa, Technical Consultant, Bangalore, 3rd Edition.

10. Gopal Ranjan and. Rao A.S.R, (2000), “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International Pvt. Limited, Publishers, 2nd Edition.

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