Electrical Engineer Syllabus| Nepal Electricity Authority |NEA| level 7

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k|yd kqM hg/n O{n]lS^«sn O{lGhlgol/é [30]

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1. GENERAL:  [1×2]
  • Recent trends in power sector reform; Hydropower potential of Nepal and prospects and challenges for its development.
  • Legal provisions: Electricity act, 2049, Electricity regulation, 2050, Hydropower development policy, 2058 and NEA act, 2041.

·         Magnetic circuits: Flux linkage, inductance and energy; magnetic materials and their properties; magnetically induced emf and force; AC operation of magnetic circuits; hysteresis and eddy current losses.
·         AC fundamentals: Phasor representation; series and parallel AC circuits; waveforms and harmonics; power in single phase AC circuits; complex power; voltage, current and power in balanced three phase circuits; per unit quantities; load characteristics.
·         Electrical measurements: Classification, working and applications of indicating, recording and integrating instruments for electrical measurements.

3.      ELECTRICAL MACHINES:   [1×6]
·         Transformers: Equivalent circuits; losses and efficiency; efficiency curves; energy efficiency; regulation; grounding; transformer connections; parallel operation; overloading capacity; temperature rise; auto-transformer and instrument transformer.
·         DC Generators: Working principles; types; operating characteristics; armature reaction; losses and efficiency; applications.
·         DC Motors: Working principles; types; operating characteristics; losses and efficiency; starting and speed control; applications.
·         Synchronous machines: Working principles; operating characteristics; losses and efficiency; steady state and transient equivalent circuits; excitation system and requirement, governor principle; parallel operation; hunting.
·         Induction Machines: Working principles; operating characteristics of motoring and generating mode;  losses and efficiency; equivalent circuits; starters; speed control and motor selection.

4.      POWER PLANTS:     [1×4]
·         Types and layouts of hydropower plants; advantages and disadvantages; turbines types and their application; principle, layout, characteristics, cost and environmental impact of diesel, steam, combined cycle, solar photovoltaic, wind  and micro hydro power plants .

5.      POWER SYSTEM:     [1×5]
·         Load flow studies; voltage profile; VAR compensation; real power-frequency balance; reactive power-voltage balance; economic load dispatch.
·         Power system stability: Steady state, dynamic and transient stability; swing equation; equal area criterion.
·         Switchgear and protection: Functional characteristics of protective relays, their types and working principles; working principles of different types of circuit breakers; lightening protection; power line carrier control.
·         Transmission: Choice of voltage; conductor size; spacing; sag-tension calculation; pole/tower types; right of way; substation location; layout and bus bar schemes.
·         Distribution: Distribution feeders; conductor size; route selection; pole types; distribution substations; bus bar schemes; power factor correction; distribution system protection devices; definition of distribution system reliability indices; transformer oil; consumer supply connection; metering system.

6.      POWER ELECTRONICS:      [1×4]
·         Introduction to power diodes, transistors, thyristors and their application in power system; thyristor turn on and turn off mechanisms; gate turn on devices; current and harmonic filtering; DC choppers; cycloconverters; AC voltage controllers.

7.      SAFETY ENGINEERING:     [1×3]
·         Physical effects of electric shock; safety and precaution; safety rules and regulation; safety tools and devices for electricity; live line maintenance and precautions; earthing and shielding techniques; fire hazards; fire fighting techniques and equipment; first aid requirements after electrical accidents.

låtLokqM kfj/ l;i^d O{lGhlgol/é [70]

1. GENERAL:     [5×1]
  • History of power development in Nepal; energy supply demand trends; challenges and prospects of hydropower development; Role of HMG institutions; NEA and private sectors in power development;  NEA organizational structure and functions of different business groups; concept of deregulation.

2. GENERATION:  [10×1]
  • Hydroelectric Power Plants: Merits and demerits; site selection; classification; elements of hydroelectric power plant and schematic layouts; different types of water turbines; efficiency curves; selection of water turbines; essential features of hydroelectric alternators; choice of size and number of generating units; auxiliaries in hydroelectric plant; Nepalese power plants, their types, salient features and locations.
  • Diesel Electric Power Plants: Merits and demerits; application; site selection; elements of a diesel plant and its schematic arrangement; performance and thermal efficiency.
  • Non conventional method of power generation: Micro hydro, solar photovoltaic, wind and geothermal method of power generation and their importance.
  • Concept of load curve; load duration curve; mass curve; demand factor; plant factor; utilization factor and plant use factor; significance of load factor and diversity factor in generation planning.

3.  AC MACHINES   [5×2]
·         Transformers: Equivalent circuits; losses and efficiency; efficiency curves; energy efficiency; regulation; grounding; transformer connections; parallel operation; overloading capacity; temperature rise; auto-transformer and instrument transformer.
·         Synchronous Machines: Working principles; operating characteristics; losses and efficiency; steady state and transient equivalent circuits; excitation system and requirement, parallel operation, hunting.
·         Induction Machines: Working principles; operating characteristics of motoring and generating mode; losses and efficiency; equivalent circuit; starters; speed control and motor selection.

  • A.C. transmission: Performance of short, medium and long transmission lines; ABCD constants; advantages and limitations of high voltage transmission; choice of working voltage; conductor size; spacing; supports and cross arms; insulators used in overhead lines; vibration dampers; conductor configuration; clearances; span lengths; sag tension calculation; right of way.
  • Corona phenomenon: Factors affecting corona and its disadvantages; radio interference; inductive interference between power and communication lines.
  • Distribution Systems: Distribution feeders; conductor size; route selection; pole types; distribution substations; bus bar schemes; power factor correction; distribution system protection devices; definition of distribution system reliability indices; transformer oil; consumer supply connection; metering system.
  • Knowledge of Nepalese power transmission system: voltage levels and length; export-import links for power exchange with India.

  • Protection: Types of protection; types of protective relays; working principle and application; Types and characteristics of circuit breakers and their comparison; protection of generators, transformers and transmission and distribution lines; protection against over voltage and lightening.
  • Fault calculations: Types of faults; symmetrical components; sequence impedances; short circuit current and fault calculations.

6. SUBSTATIONS:     [5×1]

  • Classification; indoor and outdoor substations; selection and location of site; bus bar arrangements; substation switchgear; substation earthing.

  • Load flow studies: Bus classification; load flow equations; Gauss Seidel and Newton Raphson methods of load flow solutions.
  • Voltage control: Necessity of voltage control; methods of voltage control.

  • Parallel operation of alternators; synchronous machines on infinite bus bars; economic load dispatch in interconnected system; penalty factor; load frequency control; voltage and reactive power control.

  • Steady state, transient and dynamic stability; maximum steady state power flow; swing equation; equal area criterion; critical clearing angle; factors affecting transient stability.

·         Project management: Use of network models like CPM, PERT, Gnatt chart; manpower planning and resource scheduling; project monitoring and control; project control cycle.
·         Financial analysis: Methods of financial analysis such as benefit cost ratio, internal rate of return, net present value, payback period, minimum attractive rate of return and their application; Concept of EIRR and FIRR; tariff structure.


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