g]kfn ljB"t\ k|flws/)f
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On]S^«f]lgS; pk;d'x, tx-4, sDKo"lgs]zg
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1= z}lIfs
of]UotfM k|rlnt sd{rf/L ;]jf ljlgodfjnLdf Joj:yf eP cg";f/ .
2= lnlvt k/LIffsf] ljifo, k')f{f°, k/LIff
k|)ffnL, k|Zg;+Vof, c+sef/ / ;do lgDgfg";f/ x"g]% .
k/LIff k|)ffnL
k|Zg ;+Vof
k|lt k|Zg c+sef/
;]jf ;DjGwL
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k|To]s k|Zgsf rf/ j^f ;DefJo pQ/ lbOg] % . h; dWo] Pp^f ;xL pQ/df -ΓΈ_
lrGx nufpg" kg]{% .
4= k/LIffsf] dfWod g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL efiff
x"g]% .
;]jf ;DjGwL
Basic Electronics
a. Introduction to electronics, Importance & role of
electronics argg.
b. Introduction to passive components: resistor, capacitor
and rating, tolerance and color code.
c. Concept, symbol and characteristics of voltage and
current source, ideal and practical voltage and current sources
d. Introduction to conductor and semiconductor, Intrinsic semiconductor,
Extrinsic semiconductor, effect of doping
e. Introduction, operating principle and VI characteristics
of P-N junction diode.
Electronic Circuit
a. Introduction, operating principle and input output
characteristics of transistor, transistor configuration and active, saturation
and cut-off region of operation.
b. Introduction, principle and application of amplifiers
c. Introduction and application of Operational amplifiers
d. Electronic power supplies: basic rectifier circuits,
characteristics, voltage regulation, ripple factor.
e. RC filter, low pass, high pass and band pass filters
Digital Electronics
a. Data representations: Number system(Binary, Octal &
Hexadecimal), Inter number system conversion .
b. Introduction to Logic gates, truth table
c. Boolean algebra and their properties, De- Morgan’s
d. Introduction to memories, types of memories.
a. Introduction to analog and digital communication,
modulation, generation of AM & FM signal
b. Introduction and working principle of optical fiber
communication system, optical fiber network in NEA
c. Transmission lines: fundamentals of Transmission lines,
types of transmission lines, equivalent diagram of T.L.
d. Introduction to fundamental parameters of antenna (gain,
bandwidth, directivity), beamier types of antenna.
e. Radio frequency spectrum, IIO
f. Introduction to telephone network & switching
Instrumentation and measuring equipment
a. Components of instrumentation system: transduction,
signal processing, signal transmission
b. Introduction to performance measuring parameters:
accuracy, sensitivity, precision, resolution, linearity, response time,
frequency response, bandwidth, error in measurement
c. Measuring equipments: Frequency generator, spectrum
analyzer, analog/digital multimeter, other measuring equipments relevant to
Institutional know how
a. General knowledge of NEA, its organizational structure
and function of various business groups
General knowledge of power plants in Nepal, power
transmission system, voltage level and export-import links for power exchange
with India
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