- Differniate between wave analyzer and harmonic distortion analyzer.
Wave analyzer
Harmonic distortion analyzer
1. These are designed to measure the relative
amplitude of each harmonic or fundamental
components separately.
2.They indicate the amplitude of single
frequency component
3.These are tuned to measure amplitude of one
frequency component with in a range of 10Hz
to 40MHz
4.These are also known as frequency selective
voltmeters, selective level voltmeters, carrier
frequency voltmeters
5. These are used with a set of tuned filters and
a voltmeter.
6. Wave analyzers provide very high frequency
7.These can be used for electrical
measurements, sound ,vibration ,noise
measurement in industries
1. These are designed to measure the total
harmonic content present in a distorted or
complex wave form.
2. They do not indicate the amplitude of single frequency component
3.These can be operated with in a band of 5Hz to 1 MHz frequency
4.It is general know as distortion analyzer
5. These can be used along with a frequency
6. They measure quantitative harmonic
distortions very accurately.7.
7.These can be used to measure frequency
stability and spectral purity of signal sources
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its cool