Difference between digital storage oscilloscope and conventional storage oscilloscope:

Difference between digital storage oscilloscope and conventional storage oscilloscope:

Digital Storage
Oscilloscope (DSO):

1. It can store the given signal indefinitely as long as the small amount of power is supplied to the memory.
2. It always collects the data and stops when triggered.
3. It employs normal CRT, hence the cost of the tube is much cheaper than the storage tube used in ASO.
4. It can produce bright image even for high frequency signals.
5. In this oscilloscope, time base is generated, by a crystal clock.
6. It has higher resolution than ASO.
7. It has less operating speed than ASO.
8. Because of aliasing effect the useful storage ' bandwidth is limited.

Conventional Storage Oscilloscope
(Analog Storage Oscilloscope (ASO)):

1. In this oscilloscope heavy amount-of power is to be supplied to the storage CRT.
2. It collects the data only after triggering.
3. The cost of the tube is costlier than the storage tube used in DSO.
4. It cannot produce bright image for high frequency signals.
5. In this oscilloscope, time base is generated by a ramp circuit.
6. It has lower resolution than DSO.
7. It has high operating speed than DSO.
8. It doesn't have aliasing effect

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