Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller

A microprocessor (abbreviated as μP or uP) is a computer electronic component made from miniaturized transistors and other circuit elements on a single semiconductor integrated circuit (IC) (microchip or just chip). The central processing unit (CPU) is the most well known microprocessor, but many other components in a computer have them, such as the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) on a video card. In the world of personal computers, the terms microprocessor and CPU are used interchangeably. At the heart of all personal computers and most workstations sits a microprocessor. Microprocessors also control the logic of almost all digital devices, from clock radios to fuel‐injection systems for automobiles.

Microcontroller is a computer‐on‐a‐chip optimized to control electronic devices. It is designed specifically for specific tasks such as controlling a specific system. A micro controller (sometimes abbreviated μC, uC or MCU) is basically a specialized form of microprocessor that is designed to be self‐sufficient and cost‐effective. Also, a micro controller is part of an embedded system, which is essentially the whole circuit board. An embedded system is a computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions often with real‐time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts.

Examples of microcontrollers are Microchip's PIC, the 8051, Intel's 80196, and Motorola's 68HCxx series. Microcontrollers which are frequently found in automobiles, office machines, toys, and appliances are devices which integrate a number of components of a microprocessor system onto a single microchip:
• The CPU core (microprocessor)
• Memory (both ROM and RAM)
• Some parallel digital I/O
The microcontroller sees the integration of a number of useful functions into a single IC package. These functions are:
• The ability to execute a stored set of instructions to carry out user defined tasks.
• The ability to be able to access external memory chips to both read and write data from and to the memory.
The difference between the two is that a microcontroller incorporates features of microprocessor (CPU, ALU, Registers) along with the presence of added features like presence of RAM, ROM, I/O ports, counter, etc. Here a microcontroller controls the operation of a machine using fixed programs stored in ROM that doesn't change with lifetime.

From another view point, the main difference between a typical microprocessor and a micro controller leaving there architectural specifications is the application area of both the devices. Typical microprocessors like the Intel Core family or Pentium family processors or similar processors are in computers as a general purpose programmable device. In its life Downloaded from http://himadri.cmsdu.org 1
period it has to handle many different tasks and programs given to it. On the other hand a micro controllers from 8051 family or PIC family or any other have found there applications in small embedded systems like some kind of robotic system or a traffic signal control system. Also these devices handle same task or same program during there complete life cycle. (Best example is of traffic signal control system).The other difference is that the micro controllers usually has to handle real time tasks while on the contrary the microprocessors in a computer system may not handle a real time task at all times.

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