Electric Circuit I|IOE|Syllabus|TU

Civil|Electronics|Mechanical|Computer|Electrical Engineerin

1.0 Circuit Elements:
(4 hours)
1.1 Mathematical description of the functional behavior of resistors, capacitors
and inductors in terms of current and voltage relationships
1.2 Basic physical structure of resistors, capacitors and inductors
1.3 Departures from ideal (pure R, L, or C) characteristics
1.4 Voltage and current sources, mathematical concepts and real physical devices as sources, batteries, photo cells, generators, etc.

2.0 Series and Parallel Circuits:(4 hours)
2.1 Resistive circuits with dc excitation
2.2 Resistors in parallel, resistors in series
2.3 Potential drop and potential rise
2.4 Circuits fed from voltage sources, from current sources
2.5 Output resistances of sources and effects on terminal characteristics
2.6 Power and energy considerations in dc circuits

3.0 Kirchhoff’s Laws:(7 hours)

3.1 Kirchhoff’s loop voltage and branch current laws for dc circuits
3.2 Loop and nodal formulations of circuit equations
3.3 Matrix methods of writing and solving simultaneous equations of networks

4.0 Network Analysis Theorem:(7 hours)
4.1 Maximum power transfer
4.2 Thevenin’s equivalent circuit
4.3 Norton’s equivalent circuit
4.4 Reciprocity

5.0 Single Phase AC Circuit Analysis:(10 hours)
5.1 Series, parallel and network circuits with ac excitation and resistances only
5.2 The concept of complex impedance and admittance
5.3 Sinusoidal excitation of inductive and capacitive reactance and complex impedance
5.4 Concept of time phase differences between various sinusoidal quantities
5.5 Sinusoidal waveform and phasor representation of ac quantities

6.0 Power and Energy in AC Circuits:(7 hours)
6.1 Effective values of sinusoidal and other waveforms of voltage and currents
6.2 Power and energy balances in ac excited circuits containing various combination of resistors, capacitors and inductors
6.3 Instantaneous power, average real power, reactive power, power factor
6.4 Measurement of real and reactive power

7.0 Three Phase Circuit Analysis:(6 hours)
7.1 Ac circuits with several ac sources
7.2 The three phase excitation case
7.3 Phase relationships between line and phase quantities in three phase circuits
7.4 Real and reactive power in three phase circuits
7.5 Measurement of real and reactive power
7.6 Single phase representation of balanced three phase circuits
7.7 Power factor and power factor correction


1.0 Introductory work
- principle of d’Arsonval movement
- use of voltmeter and ammeter
- multirange meters
- simple V and I measurement in lamp circuit;
determine R = f(I) for incandescent light bulb

2.0 Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws
- Use dc d’ Arsenal meters to explore series, parallel and networked resistor combinations
- evaluate power from V and I
- note loading effects of meter

3.0 Measurement of Alternating Quantities Using Iron Vane Meters
- R, RL, RC circuits with ac excitation
- ac power, power factor, vars, phasor diagrams

4.0 The Oscilloscope (Dual Channel)
- examine signal generator output using oscilloscope
- examine phase relationships between signals in RL, RC circuits
- measure amplitude, frequency and time with the oscilloscope

5.0 The Dynamometer Wattmeter

- basic power measurement in dc circuits – meter loss compensation
- power, vars, power factor measurement in ac RL and RC circuits
- phasor diagrams

6.0 Measurements of Average and Effective Values

- use ac circuits with rectifier to generate non-sinusoidal wave. Measure
average and rms values of currents and voltages using dc and ac meters
- examine waveforms (above) with oscilloscope and calculate average and rms

7.0 Series and Parallel Resonant Circuits
- use audio signal generator and RLC resonant circuits to demonstrate
resonance phenomena; use oscilloscope
- use a resonant circuit to extract a particular frequency signal from noise

8.0 Three-phase AC Circuits
- measure currents and voltages in three-phase balanced ac circuits
- prove wye-delta transformation
- exercise on phasor diagrams for three-phase circuits

9.0 Three-phase Power Measurement

- two wattmeter method of power measurement in R, RL, and RC three-phase circuits
- watts ratio curve

10.0 Electric Meters for Voltage and Current Measurement
- voltage measurements in high impedance circuits using moving coil and electronic voltmeters and oscilloscope
- electric power meters and their use

11.0 Bridge Circuits for Electrical Measurements
- potentiometers for voltage measurement
- dc and ac bridges for R, L, C measurements-Wien, Maxwell, Schering bridges

12.0 Electric Circuit Simulation Study
- introduce microcomputer simulation of circuits using SPICE (or other) software
Textbook :
1.0 J. R. Cogdell, “Foundations of Electrical Engineering”, prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990.
2.0 Paul W.Tuinenga, “SPICE – A Guide to Circuit simulation and Analysis using Pspice”, prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988.

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